Mergers & Acquisitions

In the dynamic and progressive post soviet Latvian economy the area of mergers & acquisitions is taking an ever increasing part of our law practice. We are experienced in handling comprehensive legal due diligence, designing legally efficient transactional structures in view of local regulatory and tax considerations, drafting and negotiating of transactional documentation, advising and representing on related regulatory matters such as securities, competition and environmental law requirements and submissions to respective regulators. Our lawyers are handling sophisticated and large transactions involving foreign debt and equity investments, as well as the sale of interest in public and private companies working in crucial sectors of Latvian economy, such as energy, communications, public works infrastructure, food production and financial services. We have also regulatory and judicial experience in the transactional context, for example, in relation to the mandatory buy-out of minority shareholders and the protection of creditors' interests in corporate reorganisations.


Administrative Law read-more
Aviation read-more
Banking read-more
Competition read-more
Corporate read-more
Environmental read-more
Family & Estate Law read-more
Insurance read-more
Intellectual Property read-more
Labor Law read-more
Liquidation and Bankruptcy read-more
Litigation and Arbitration read-more
Maritime Law read-more
Mergers & Acquisitions read-more
Projects & Procurements read-more
Real Estate read-more
Taxation read-more
Telecommunications Law read-more
Trade & Customs Regulations read-more
Lawyers for Intellegent Solutions