Telecommunications Law

The telecommunications industry has become one of the leaders in the Latvian economy. It has attracted considerable investment to this country and has many players both internationally as well as nationally. Skudra & Udris have a strong background in this industry and are able to assist out clients on such matters as fixed and mobile telecom licensing, competition regulation and unfair market practices, tariff policy, structuring of joint ventures, financing arrangements and participation in mobile operator license tenders. We have provided representation of clients in administrative proceedings in front of respective regulators including the Competition Council as well as in court cases related to regulatory matters in the telecommunication sector. We have acted as a local counsel for a consortium of international banks in relation to financing of to date the largest Latvian (1,2 billion SEK) acquisition of a local mobile operator by a foreign telecom group and the subsequent refinancing and restructuring arrangements.

Administrative Law read-more
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Banking read-more
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Corporate read-more
Environmental read-more
Family & Estate Law read-more
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Intellectual Property read-more
Labor Law read-more
Liquidation and Bankruptcy read-more
Litigation and Arbitration read-more
Maritime Law read-more
Mergers & Acquisitions read-more
Projects & Procurements read-more
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Telecommunications Law read-more
Trade & Customs Regulations read-more
Lawyers for Intellegent Solutions